Monday, June 16, 2008



Hi guys...Today me, Dan, Diff and Nad..lepak2 d umah..maklum..cuti is kinda why not we hang out together d umah daripada hang out d Mall..derr...

I' m happy because having friends like Dan,Diff and Nad...Aha...They're all are my B.F.F...

I ask Dan to teach us shuffle...because shuffle is kinda hot now...and we proud because he is really pro on it..even just now..ia gugur..haha...

Buu....c Diff ah..ikut-ikutan..hehe...bek jua ko nda gugur tdi...mun ko gugur...kmi semua ane kn hntk2 ketwa..aha....

Nad~Cuba th jgn liat2 saja..join us wah..haha...Chat th gnya anak ane....nada kaja len....

guys...we're having fun..haha..but its only for today..hehe..

wanna learn shuffle?? belajar sendiri..and jgn pernah putus asa belatih..keep practice-ing kay...
shuffle is hard then running man..ehe