Thursday, August 14, 2008


On the 12th August 2008..There's nasyid competition of house, laila wijaya, indera negara, pekerma raja and hamzah pahlawan.

On the competition...Indera Negara won!! I would say congrates to them..because of the hard working..

Our house, laila wijaya..won as the second winner...Actually we're the first winner..but the guys..spoiled it..hehe..i don't mean to teasing or what..I just wanna said about the fack.

Our song tittle was 'Doa Seorang Insan' it was remix with 'Iktiraf'...This songs done by Sr Runie and tc Hjh Ainun. I wanna say thanks to all teachers that work harder in other to win this competition..even thought the hamzah pahlawan take our first song...Tc Dewi is the one who ruined it..and all laila wijaya student...are really2 mad.

Goo for Laaaiillllaaaa Wiiijaaayaaa..